CBD Oil Product Reviews

Find the best CBD Oil

My reviews are designed to help you quickly find the best CBD oil products. You’ll save time and money, and get the relief you’re looking for!

They’re in order from the highest to the lowest rated, so you may want to start near the top. 

Have fun exploring and please contact me if you have any questions. I love to help!

General Reviews

These CBD oil companies didn't earn enough points to quality for a medal. Please note that the medal rating system is in the process of changing to the star rating system. Also, I'm not affiliated with these companies; all links are for reader convenience only. 

Rating Categories

After years of trial and error using CBD oil, I’ve learned that these are the four crucial areas to focus on if you want to find the best quality products:

Trust and Transparency

How straightforward and trustworthy is this company?


Are they natural and of high quality?

Lab Testing

Is there Certificate of Analysis (COA) lab testing?

Product Safety

What are the results of the lab testing?

Rating Review Sheets

These are spreadsheets I designed for the rating criteria (click the sheets to enlarge). I look at Trust and Transparency first. Then, I do a deep-dive into four products and collect the data. It’s what the scores are based on, although I informally review many additional products.